Think about all the items you own, that may not have significant monetary value, but have great sentimental value or significance to your family. These heirlooms can have a great connection to a story or memory for various family members. It is a wise idea to document these items, with photos and a written account of their history/importance. There is often a large amount of sentimental value attached to these items. Something that to most of the family would be a simple decoration, but to the grandchild who picked it out on vacation with you, it’s a wonderful reminder, of that time and your relationship. What about jewelry that has been passed down? Even with verbal promises being made, that this ring goes to this niece, and this one to a certain granddaughter, there is nothing to ensure that is where they will end up, unless it is specifically documented. Having all of this preset, written and unarguable, will prevent needless potential strife and misunderstandings. We can aid you in making this transition easier for your family.
Why its important to have all items properly documented:
- Preserve memories
- Photos
- Family stories
- Heirlooms passed to right person
- Grand kids get what you told them
- Kids don’t fight over items