What is your legacy
What do you think of when you hear the term “Legacy”? For many, it simply means the financial and physical assets left behind, such as a business or houses and land. To further define legacy, let’s expand that definition to include intellectual property, family values, spiritual inheritance and heritage, life lessons, etc. A notable example of this was a gentleman who had fought in WWII. What mattered most to him was to pass on lessons learned through his experiences. He prepared a document to be passed on to his descendants, documenting all the times he felt God had saved him during the war. Another included a list of seven catastrophic mistakes he’d made in life, and what he learned from them. Passing down the wisdom he’d gained meant much more to him than just the physical items. He was creative and ingenious in how he communicated all of this to future generations. We will discuss this concept more with you, in our free estate planning workshops.
Legacy is more than financial and physical assets that you leave behind!