Pre-Planning is so important, are you ready?
- Prevent strife
- Confusion
- Random Judge
- IRS decide
- Misplacement of heirlooms
- Organization get donations
- Family heirlooms
- Game plan (everything goes where you want it)
- Family legacy preserved
My family had to deal with my grandfather’s struggles with Alzheimers for 9 years, so I have seen firsthand the issues it can make in medical and financial decisions. It is extremely important to put safeguards in place ahead of time, because once a diagnosis has been made, legal decisions from that point on can be contested by claiming the person who stated their wishes was not in their right mind, making the documents “Null and void”. However, anything done while in good mental health will be binding. Imagine a scenario where someone needed help with everyday activities and had issues communicating what they wanted. Now imagine them trying to get across exactly how they want their “Living Will” to be laid out, what organizations to donate to, and who gets the family heirlooms. What happens, if they told three different people they get something, because they forgot they had already told someone else it was theirs? So much potential strife and confusion can be kept at bay by having these decisions already made and documented, so they can be clearly administered without confusion. Would you rather have your wishes assured, or a random judge make decisions for you?
Dementia | Alzheimer
“The disease might hide the person underneath but there’s still a person in there who needs your love and attention.”
– Jamie Calandriello