When someone passes away, typically one family member will take the lead, in making decisions and fulfilling the wishes of the deceased (regarding the funeral arrangements and related issues). These heavy decisions during an already emotional time are an enormous task. Coordinating with friends and relatives, funeral homes, morticians, speakers, etc, all the while dealing with the loss themselves is very stressful. As part of a thorough estate planning strategy, many of the details can be pre-determined, relaxing the burden on the family during this trying time.

A well prepared funeral plan is more than a request for burial or cremation. There are more than 100 different types of caskets for example. Is there a pre-purchased burial plot? Is there a preferred venue? The costs of a funeral can include transporting the body, delivery of flowers, opening of the grave, burial, headstone and engraving, mounting the headstone and so much more. All of these “small” details are on top of major ones like, where will the gravesite be, will there be a viewing or a graveside service, who will preside over the service, burial clothing, pallbearers, scriptures or hymns one wants in the service, stories to be mentioned, how will it be funded, cost of transportation for relatives who aren’t local, type of headstone, text for headstone, and more. A good estate plan will contain instructions, detailing every possible decision that can be made ahead of time. This will greatly reduce the burden on family, and avoid stress and potential strife.
All of these details can be arranged by properly placing instructions in your estate documents, and ensuring the right people have easy access to them. Let us help you get this and all of your other important decisions properly documented, with a comprehensive estate plan.